Saturday, 18 January 2014

I must confess...

…that I am a lifelong learner.  I expect that as engineers, many of you are the same.  We all upgrade our skills, share what we learn or accomplish, and teach others as our careers progress.  What we learn and how we learn changes over our careers.  For myself, my continuous learning plan has evolved from one of primarily technical learning early in my career to my present focus on developing a broader skill set in leadership, communications and political acuity that benefits my career as I progress into management.  I have always documented my education and accomplishments, included it in my resume and discussed it with potential employers during job interviews – I expect that most of you do the same.  I have never expected the simple fact that I am professional engineer to fully qualify me for any job or position – it is the sum of my learning and employment experiences that qualify me.  I embrace continuous professional development.

I was very excited a few days ago when election materials were posted on the PEO web site and the first of 3 eBlasts was sent out to licence holders.  Before I had a chance to even review all the candidates’ material and positions, I received several emails of support and an email posing a question “What is your position on continuing professional development (CPD)?” 

Upon reviewing the election material, I was interested to see that the election “issue” this week appears to be CPD.  I found it surprising, to say the least, that according to some candidates PEO and your council is apparently implementing “mandatory” CPD that will cost licence holders thousands… hmmmm… I must have missed that council meeting!  In today’s blog post, I’d like to express my views on CPD and to provide you with the information and links you need to make an informed decision about CPD and what is happening at council with respect CPD.

You may or may not be aware that the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) prepared a report in 2013 entitled “Continuing Professional Development – Maintaining and Enhancing our Engineering Capability”  This report was presented to council in a motion at the 487th Meeting of Council on September 26, 2013 (C-487-3.5) .  You can listen to the discussion around the council table at starting at minute 22:14.  The following motion was carried unanimously (pg. 9 of the minutes of the 487th Meeting of Council held September 26, 2013 ):
That Council, in principle, support the implementation of a Continuing Professional Development program. To initiate this, the report of OSPE’s Continuing Education Working Group, Continuing Professional Development, Maintaining and Enhancing Our Engineering Capability, dated June 19, 2013, be referred to the Professional Standards Committee for comment, with the direction that it solicit written and verbal comments from the PEO membership during its review, and report its findings and proposed plan of action at the February 2014 Council meeting.

While I do not agree with everything in the OSPE report, I do find Table 1 in the report particularly noteworthy in that Ontario is the only jurisdiction in which some sort of formalized CPD program has not been implemented.  
Another significant event in 2013, which will continue into 2014, is the outcome of the Belanger Commission otherwise known as the Elliot Lake Inquiry.  As part of the inquiry, two sets of policy roundtables were held  If you take a look at the material, you will note in the submissions that respondents were asked to comment on training for structural engineers “including specific training and mandatory continuing professional education components for engineers practicing and holding themselves out to the public as “structural engineers””.  The reality is that PEO, and consequently licence holders, may not have a choice regarding CPD, it may be imposed by the commission.  You will note  the comments of Councillor Chris Roney at minute 11286 of the September 26, 2013 Meeting of Council ( “it is possible that the Elliot Lake Algo Mall inquiry will recommend enhanced professional development, PEO should be seen to be proactive on this issue. It should be noted that PEO is the only Canadian engineering association without a formal continuing professional development program.”

For those of you who are interested in my positions, I support:

    -     The motion presented to council at the September 26th, 2013 meeting of council.

-   Our association being modern and proactive and coming up with possible solutions to the concerns raised about CPD in various forums rather than waiting for another body to impose a solution upon us.
 The implementation of well thought out flexible CPD program that meets the needs of our licence holders and addresses public safety concerns. 
I do not support:
-   The arbitrary implementation of a mandatory CPD program that will annually cost licence holders thousands of dollars and significant lost hours at work with no measureable outcome to the individual or their career.
What will CPD look like in Ontario?  I envision something that ranges between a voluntary program for everyone to a mandatory reporting program for practicing engineers whose decisions affect public safety.

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