Saturday, 19 January 2019

Happy Saturday!  Is it frosty in your location?  I woke up to -23 C, -29 C with the wind chill! 

All PEng's should have received their voting packages via email yesterday, January 18th.

One of the questions that was not asked during the Coucillor-at-large webcast was our thoughts as candidates regarding PEO's role in the Engineers Canada 30 by 30 initiative.  I noted a thread on the LinkedIn Professional Engineers Ontario Discusion Group with comments that this is an OSPE and not a PEO responsibility and that the PEO should not be contributing resources to this.  This is my response:

"I’d like to offer a different perspective.  We’re not talking about a driver’s licence.  If this was simply about obtaining a P.Eng. licence and making sure that the process was equally accessible to everyone, I would agree with some of the comments, but that’s not the case.  When you obtain your P.Eng., you are also becoming a member and associated with that is the PEO and chapter culture.  We have chapters, we want people to be engaged in their chapters and in our self-regulated profession.  For some, obtaining and / or retaining their P.Eng. is a choice if they are non-practicing or employed in a workplace that falls under the industrial exemption.  Our annual licence fees contribute to the culture. 

Have you ever had men email you and share that they attended a few chapter events, but they didn’t return because, as a man, they felt uncomfortable and unwelcome?  I have had women contact me with exactly those words. Have you ever been at PEO event with your non-engineer wife and have her later share with you that she was talking to a female chapter member about your engineering work and the woman stated to your wife “More important than his work, is he good in bed?” – this has happened to me and my non-engineer husband.  How many dozens upon dozens of PEO and chapter meetings and events have you sat through and the only pronouns used in reference to engineers throughout have been masculine? 

We, the PEO, need to sell the profession and value of becoming and staying licenced even if an engineer, like myself, is non-practicing.  We want female graduate engineers to want to become Professional Engineers and to be proud of being one.  The PEO has the responsibility of ensuring the PEO and chapter culture is inclusive and welcoming – we need to put resources towards continuing to change the culture and to making sure that it actually changes."

What are your thoughts about the chapter and PEO culture?  What changes would encourage you to participate more in the volunteer aspects of our profession?

Monday, 14 January 2019

Webcasts and issues

Did you have an opportunity to watch the PEO Election live webcasts last week?  If not, the PEO has now posted links to all of them on their web site.

What do you think of the webcasts as an opportunity to get an introduction to the candidates?  For many of our licencees in remote areas of the province or who are not engaged at the chapter level, it is the only way to learn a little bit about the candidates and the issues. 

What are some of the issues for you?  And how do you learn about them?  I’ve noted that the Engineering Dimensions editorials have been providing a good window into the challenges faced at council, as well council minutes and audio tracks can be accessed through the council page.  How often do you read Engineering Dimensions?  Do you ever check out the posted council material or listen to the audio recordings?

Some of the important issues that I’ll be posting about in the coming weeks include:
1)  Straying from our regulatory mandate.
2)  Potential of increasing government oversight.
3)  Potential for a deficit budget in 2019.
4)  Continuing professional development and use of PEAK
5)  Governance training for councillors.
6)  Reaching and engaging licencees that are not active at the chapter level.
7)  Succession planning for future councils.
Please contact me with what you feel are the important issues and your thoughts on these issues.

Thank you to the various chapters that have been inviting candidates to their AGMs or Executive Board meetings.  I will be participating when I can given distances and the unpredictability of winter driving conditions.  

I also have a Facebook and Twitter page set up from which I post items of interest to engineers throughout the year.  Stop by and follow me!

Thank you for stopping in and have a great day!